Examples of my portrait painting – YouTube.
Back in the early 1990s, I was working in an art and craft store that also did custom picture framing. We happened to hire an exuberant, vibrant young college student named Clayton Singleton to help us in the framing area. Talent seemed to burst from his pores; he left his unique signature on everything he touched. Framing jobs were no exception. He quickly learned to cut custom designs into the matboards freehand. I don’t believe the owners ever really knew what talent was working in their store.
Fast forward twenty years, and that young student has grown into a remarkable man. He works for the Norfolk Public Schools, and he’s a prolific artist in his own right. He’s an inspiring writer, speaker and painter – a modern day Renaissance man.
I own two of his paintings. One is from his college days, the other I purchased in the fall of 2011. Both reflect his passion. It makes me happy just looking at them.
As I look around my home, I realize that the art hanging on the walls is truly a reflection of our personalities, the things that call to us. I’m glad we don’t have typical art prints in our home, and I know that’s partly because I met Clayton.