Your Life, Your Story

Your life – and therefore your story – is as unique as you are. Telling your story isn’t always easy. Time gets away from you, certain subjects are difficult to approach, or you simply encounter writer’s block. When you need a jumpstart, consider an interview approach. Take a list of questions similar to the following and simply answer. Don’t think too much about it – go with the first thing that pops into your mind.

  • What are my personal values?
  • What characteristics do I treasure about myself?
  • What characteristics do I dislike?
  • What are my favorites (food, music, colors, places, etc.)?
  • What have I done that few people know about?
  • Do I have a list of things I’d like to accomplish or experience?
  • What was my favorite vacation?
  • Who are my favorite relatives and why?
  • What things do I know, without doubt, to be true?
  • What am I proud of?
  • What is the most daring thing I’ve ever done?